Why Choose ZüpMedGo!® For Your House Calls

Feeling ill, but can’t miss an important meeting? Have a grumpy kid with a fever and you don’t want to get out of the house? Do you have an elderly parent who doesn’t get around too well? Let us come to your home, hotel, or workplace for an old-fashioned “house call.”* Our licensed and experienced ZüpMed team is trained and equipped to handle a wide variety of problems and complaints away from the clinic. All ZüpMedGo!® visits begin with a virtual call so that we can begin to assess your situation and know what to bring.

So, no need to stress. Call or schedule your ZüpMedGo!® visit, and we’ll be on our way! *House calls are available in certain geographic areas defined by available providers. Our concierge or ZüpMed Virtual® provider can assist with availability.